Being a 30-year-old single woman, lots of things I’m free to do – going out, going on a vacation, overtime work, and eating. With these things that I’m free to do, I don’t pay attention to my shape, though I go to the gym twice a week. That’s not a priority because I’m a happy-go-lucky … Continue reading Being awesome at 30’s
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Hi, my name is Leila D. I started the HCG diet in 2018, and I was weighing 280 pounds. Before loading, I didn’t have a scale during my loading. I always considered myself chunky but not huge and not realizing how big I was, my turning point was when my parents and I were heading … Continue reading How HCG Diet Helped Me With My Weight Loss Journey
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Provo, Utah, has a farm where yellowed stacks of hay lie. Jackie and her husband, a cowboy ride and rope horses, living out their golden years with their children and grandchildren. Jackie and her husband were tragically struck by tragedy just a few years ago in this idyllic setting. Else’s daughter died of a drug … Continue reading Jackie’s Life with HCG Diet
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As an active 43-year-old male, I was struggling with the level of exertion, and to level of perspiration ratios! That was 90 days ago. Today is the 40th day after finishing the HCG diet protocol. I weighed in at 92kg at the start of day 1. By the end of the diet, the figures were … Continue reading Struggling With Level of Exertion and Level of Perspiration Ratios
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I started struggling with my weight later on in life. Growing up, I was an athlete and my weight was naturally under control. However, with college came complete freedom and I ate what everyone else ate junk food. I started to gain weight. Over the next decade of my life, I started to gain more … Continue reading Injured and Overweight To Being Fit
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Agnes Mckenna non ha ricevuto ancora alcun regalo
Forum Italiano dei Movimenti Salviamo il Paesaggio, Difendiamo i Territori
Sabato 29 Ottobre abbiamo dato vita formalmente ad un nuovo importante soggetto nazionale: il Forum Italiano dei Movimenti per la Terra e il Paesaggio e al contemporaneo avvio della nuova campagna nazionale "Salviamo il Paesaggio, Difendiamo i Territori".
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